Why we need more stories like ‘Little Razia’ in our lives!

One of my favourite stories in Fundoodaa Books Digital library is the fictional tale of “Razia Sultan”, where she defeats all the contestants in the sword-fight and riding competitions, fairly and squarely!
Girls were not allowed to participate in competitions to show off their martial skills, in the days of Razia Sultan. Razia felt she equally deserved to participate and win, but archaic norms and practices posed a challenge in her path. She, however, remained undaunted. She participated in the competition by covering her hair and dressing up like a boy! And she won hands-down, through her talent and skill.
Even today, little girls face many rules and regulations which are gender biased and unfair.
The story of Little Razia reaches out to the young minds. Her nonchalant way of facing adversity sets an example. Positive reinforcement of values through role-models is a great way to teach children. Role-models facilitate and guide the learning process. Role-models in early childhood play a huge role in children’s lives and can stimulate basic learning skills. Positive role-models can give a big boost to ‘Self-esteem’ and have a hand in the child’s progress and creativity. Children tend to imitate what they see and hear. This is why positive role models during childhood are so important. They are the motivation and framework for the structure of children’s lives.
‘Little Razia’ serves as a ‘Role-model’ for our young audience.
little rajia
Written beautifully by Arthi Anand-Navaneeth and adorably illustrated by Ladyfingers.co the story of ‘Little Razia’ motivates and encourages our little girls to dream BIG! And fulfill them, backed by hard-work.
Her story remains an inspiration, especially when girls in our society are not always given a level playing field.
In a society, wherein little girls are bombarded with stereotype images, Razia’s story stands out to make an impact. We require more such stories in our lives to inspire and teach our little ones the right values and ethics.
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